Claxton Golf Classic

Egwani Farms Golf Course
May 3, 2025 | 8:30am Shotgun Start
$125 per Golfer or
$500 per 4-Golfer Team

Entry Fee Includes:
18 Holes of Golf with Cart, Range Balls
Breakfast and Lunch Provided

All proceeds benefit our Outreach Program.
For more information or questions, please contact Trevlyn Singleton at (865) 228-1147!

Event Location & Schedule

Egwani Farms Golf Course
3920 S Singleton Station Rd
Rockford, TN 37853

  • 7:30 am - Registration & Breakfast
  • 8:30 am - Shotgun Start
  • 1:00 pm - Lunch & Winners Announced

Sponsorship Opportunities

Title Sponsor - $2,500
Includes organization name and logo featured on event banner, tee sign placed at a tee box, business cards placed in all goodie bags (if provided) and team entry (four golfers) and a mulligan package.
Golf Cart Sponsor - $1,000
Includes organization name and logo featured on all golf carts, tee sign placed at a tee box, business cards placed in all goodie bags (if provided) and team entry (4 golfers)
Beverage Cart Sponsor - $500
Includes organization name on beverage carts and one tee sign, and business cards placed in all goodie bags (if provided)
Flag Sponsor - $200
Includes organization or personal name featured on
Pin Flag at one hole 
Tee Sponsor - $100
Includes organization or personal name featured on Tee sign
Additional Sponsorships available. Please contact Trevlyn Singleton at 865-228-1147 for more information!

There are several ways to send in your donation.

In Person
226 Mehaffey Road, Powell, TN 37849
By Mail
226 Mehaffey Road, Powell, TN 37849
Give your donation via PayPal at

Golfer Registration

Sponsorship Donation

For more information or questions, please contact Trevlyn Singleton at (865) 228-1147!